Welcome to

          Carte Blanche Development Company

Interested in playing a part in


 an 84 billion dollar industry

The "Personal Device Holder"

U.S. Patent No. 10,724,680 B2

And the reason


why you ventured to this site

The Game Changer


Created,..With Only One Purpose in Mind,..

To "Hold the Vibrator"  So that you don't have too..

Its a very Unique, "One Of a Kind" Idea,..  so much that

it achieved a patent, and not just any Patent, 


 But an Umbrella Patent, that currently Protects 6 different Models, 5 Styles, and a total of 50 different Product Pieces...so far !

Nothing Like it in The World

Interesting enough to have achieved,.. Thru our ETSY Store,.. Over a period of 2 years,..  Unfortunately

"The COVID 19 Years" of 2020 and 2021.

15,000 Views, 300 favorites, and a 5 Star Rating,..

and with our published Patent, another 3000 hits to our website,....

          Which is enough curiosity,  to let me know,...                That we just might have,


With a Broad enough selection to keep

 Everyone Happy

The Broad Line

4 Inches Wide, with a 1.5 inch ring, designed to hold Vibrators that accommodate

2 AA Batteries, and the thicker Vibrator.

The Thin Line

3.5 Inches wide, with 3/4 Inch Ring,  Designed to hold the thinner vibrators

That accommodate 2 AAA Batteries

And each line consists of 6 models

Single, Double, D.P. , Triple, Single Traveler, and Double Traveler.

And  Every Model, Has 5 Styles.

Look at the Market,... which has gotten So Much Broader over the last 20 years,...and,.. The Attitude,.. which has become that much more,.. Nonchalant,...and,..

"Do The Math"

Because,.. "The Freehand Collection",... will "Stand to The Test of Time"

and become an "All Time Favorite, amongst

"The Do It Yourselfers"

        And,.. Whoever own's

                That part of the Market,...$$$

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